Thursday, February 15, 2007

So...yes, I'm still in Japan!

Oh my god, has it really been 3 months since I posted on here? Holy crap. I'm terrible. But then, that's why you like me. Well, let me update you on a few of the broad details, then later on I'll have to flesh things out with pictures and short entries, as usual.

So, since November...hmmm...well, first of all, I spent Christmas in Japan, as well as New Years. That was a big first, and pretty fun. I only stayed, of course, because I was too poor from my car accident to go home, which broke my heart, but I was also pleasantly surprised at how things turned out. More on that later. After the holidays, I finally did end up paying the rest of that car nonsense off, so that's all done now, and my debts are starting to shrink to manageable levels for the first time in like...ever. Big plus there, and a major factor in my perky mood of late. (This is me being perky.)

Big News item #2 is that I DID decide to recontract for a third, that's right, A THIRD year in Japan. I signed my papers back in January, and now I officially will be here for another year and a half, meaning my time is officially half done. This was partly a financial decision, due to you-know-what, but it is also due, for the most part, to the fact that I have made some great friends here, had some amazing times, and do, when all is said and done, enjoy Japan very much. I will however be coming back to Canada (according to my plan) just after my third year begins but just before the school year does, around the end of August. So, to all my friends and family, this means clear your calendars, because I'm saving my days off, and plan to come back for 3 WHOLE WEEKS!!! I hope to start in Kingston, and then go up to Ottawa for a while, so I can see everybody, and really suck up as much of the homeland as possible. God knows I miss my Tim Hortons and, well, the English language.

Aside from that, the news from this month was my big Hiroshima trip. Now that I have money to travel, I plan to do so somewhat extravagantly for the next little while, and aside from Hiroshima last weekend, I'll be hitting Korea to visit Claire (my sister) and Bryan (my cousin) in March. Then, for Golden Week (end of April holiday here), some friends and I are planning a big trip outside of Japan, but so far the destination is in the air. Probably somewhere cheap, but Hawaii, China or even Thailand again are not out of the question. As for the details from Hiroshima, I'll once again give you those (and a delightful photo) in a later post. One thing at a time.

So, that's that for now...I will indeed try harder to post on here more often, I promise (and yes, I know I always say that).


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