The Fab Four
So I've mentioned my friends on here before, but since the last picture I posted of Victoria met with her disapproval, I have been ordered to post another. Also, this one has Mark in it, who I spoke about but have never shown. Here is a picture taken on the first leg of our tour in Thailand, as we wandered through Bangkok. From left to right it's Victoria, me, LeeSean and Mark. Vic is the crazy-fun girl from the UK, LeeSean (from Arizona) has been mentioned a thousand times on here and was my closest friend the first year of my stay, and Mark, a fellow Canadian, is also a fellow martial artist and a really nice guy. They've all left Japan now, but we'll always have Thailand! Soon I'll try to post a few pics of my new crop of friends, but these guys will always have a special place in my heart for helping to make my first year here one of the best I could have ever hoped for. (Cue sappy sentimental music, fade to black.)
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